“True-To-Life Rain Sounds From The Tropical City-State Of Singapore”


    Singapore Ambiences
    The distinct sound of tropical rain against Singapore’s skyscapes and streets
    As part of our Ambient Sound Series focusing on the specific, distinct Soundscape of Singapore, we went on a journey to capture high definition sounds of the city-state.

    Scaling high above the city’s skyscapes all the way down to Singapore’s busy streets, we captured the sound of rain unique to the city-state, all in this extensive library -

    For sound designers and editors looking for the sound of rain unique to this small, vibrant city.

    Capture the essence of Singapore's rain sounds in your next production

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    Created for people who love great sound


    Distinct Rain Sound Unique To Singapore
    Accurate. Realistic. Crisp.
    332 Minutes Of High-Quality Sounds For Just $59.
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    Recorded on-site by a trusted production team using state-of-the-art equipment

    Singapore Ambiences - Rain is a collection of high definition sounds of the unique rain ambience of various locations in the country. From light drizzles to heavy apocalyptic tropical thunderstorms with rolling rumbles and cracking booms of thunder included. Recorded by a team who have worked on projects for Marvel Studios, Universal Studios, Riot Games and the Discovery Channel, these recordings are clean, accurate and of high quality.
    Product Information
    Like all IX Sound Libraries, this collection is meticulously edited and embedded with detailed descriptive metadata utilising the Universal Category System (UCS).

    This collection is compatible with Universal Category System (UCS), Soundminer, Pro Tools, Basehead, AudioFinder and other popular sound effects library search engines.

    The files will be delivered in Stereo/Mono Wav format at 24bit, 48kHz.
    System Requirements
    Categories: Ambience, Rain, UCS, Singapore

    Type: Ambient Recording

    Specifications: Wav, 24bit, 48kHz

    Duration: 332 Minutes

    License Type: Royalty Free (EULA included)

    Delivery: Digital Download, Instant

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