True-to-life rain sounds from the 
    tropical city-state of Singapore

    Hear the distinct sound of tropical rain against Singapore’s streets and skyscapes.


    Accurate. Realistic. Crisp.

    Singapore Ambiences - Rain focuses on delivering accurate, realistic, and crisp sounds for sound designers and sound editors who need an authentic Singapore sound, or the sounds of a modern city. 

    A metropolitan City-State set in the middle of the Equator, Singapore is regularly beset with torrential monsoon rains. From light drizzles to heavy apocalyptic tropical thunderstorms, this sound pack covers every patter of rain hitting the high-rise buildings,  tall trees and raw asphalt of the garden city, including every rumble and cracking boom of thunder. 

    Product Information

    Like all IX Sound Libraries, this collection is meticulously edited and embedded with detailed descriptive metadata utilising the Universal Category System (UCS).

    This collection is compatible with Soundminer, Pro Tools, Basehead, AudioFinder and other popular sound effects library search engines. 

    Categories: ambience, traffic, UCS, Singapore
    Type: Ambient Recording
    Specifications: Wav, 24bit, 48kHz
    Duration: 332 Minutes
    License Type: Royalty Free (EULA included)
    Delivery: Digital Download, Instant

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    Recorded on-site by a trusted  production team using state-of-the-art equipment. 

    Singapore Ambiences - Rain was recorded in the city-state of Singapore, by a team whose work has been trusted by industry giants like Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, Marvel Studios and Facebook. 

    To capture the cleanest and crispest sounds, Singapore Ambiences - Rain was recorded using the Sennheiser MKH30 and MKH50 (in Mid-Side format, decoded to stereo for your ease of use) into a Sound Devices 633, as well as the LOM Uši Pro Stereo Pair into a Sound Devices 702t. 

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